After this training you can be more successful using your true core.Becoming great on something, what ever is important to you, requires understanding your strenghts truly and connecting them in the right way. The best of the best know what their strenghts are, how to develop them and to ensure that..
After this training you will know how to get people to build your success.Organisational leadership is about getting people to deliver. Personality diversity means, that one way of leading might cause problems with someone else. This program opens you ways you can have impact on people motivation, e..
Tämän kurssin jälkeen hallitset 6 johtajuustyyliä, ymmärrät niiden riskejä ja hyötyjä.Goleman ja muut tutkijat ovat tunnistaneet 6 perus johtajuustyyliä. Jotkin niistä ovat tarpeen tietyissä tilanteissa, joitakin ei pitäisi käyttää kuin vain hyvin rajatuissa tilanteissa. Tämän valmennuksen jälkeen t..
After this training you know the 6 leadership styles, you will learn of risks and benefits.Goleman and other researchers have identified the 6 core leadership styles. Some of them are needed at different situations, one should only be used in a very specific situation. This program will share with y..
After this training you will know how to create and implement strategy are going to be successful with this training.Creating a strategy has several critical elements. You need to identify, what is the vision of the organisation, what is happening in your line of business and how to develop resource..
After this training you know more of your personality, the opportunities you have.We know ourselves. But we don't truly know how far others are from us. This program will lead you to understand Emotional Intelligence features that are important at work. It will help you to develop your ability to kn..
After this training you will master you all main aspects of leadership, from mind to time.This program will take you trough understanding your personality to leading yourself. Then you will learn how to understand others. And the last part will help you to get results through others. Modules and tas..
After this training you will be able to study more effectively and enjoy studies more.There are several factors impacting on how much we remember from the studied content. This program will help you to identify how you can improve your learning. Using the information shared with you in this program ..
Tämän kurssin jälkeen hallitset vahvuuksiesi käyttämisen onnistuaksesi paremmin.Ollaksesi menestyjä siinä, mikä ikinä sinulle onkaan tärkeää, sinun on tarpeen tunnistaa aidot vahvuutesi ja yhdistää ne oikealla tavalla. Parhaimmat tietävät vahvuutensa, kehittävät niitä ja varmistavat, että heikkoudet..
After this training you will know how to build successful business model.One can differentiate every operation from competitors. This program takes you to the mental core of your business, something which no-one can steal. Then you learn how to build business based of that. You also learn how to bui..